News and Media

Let’s dive into the Cosmos!
The Most awaited Astronomy sessions! An afternoon sessions inside the classroom with the presentation on the Maxhub panel Space is an almost perfect vacuum, nearly void of matter and with...
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Payir features in Singapore Indian E-Magazine
SingIndiaVoice is an online e-magazine catering to the Singapore Indian diaspora. Recently SingIndiaVoice founder Mrs. Soundaranayaki Vairavan visited Payir and published an article about Payir in their magazine. The...
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Payir is a grassroot level organization in India that helps empower rural communities through holistic development activities. Payir has initiated several programs that address key challenges in order to empower villages in Perambalur
Holistic Sustainability

In 15 years, Payir has
improved nutrition
levels of35,000children -
provided better
health care to15,000village people -
facilitated strengthening public infrastructure
to the tune of10Crores rupees -
boot strapped10rural enterprises